31 December 2008

The Evil That Men Do (mankind to his/her own kind)

I have come to observe over several years that from the smallest in rank (the common people) to the elite; there seems to be a common thread. Your wars no matter how big, or small, and not just the ones you wage with weapons-the ones that you wage between yourselves.

I have observed people on all levels of human society using the hatred and bitterness built up inside of them to cause distress and harm to your fellow inhabitants. There are those on all levels, who seemed filled with anger, vengeance and all matter of loathing that they will lower themselves to attack another, who has not compromised them in any way.

I know of one such human, whom I shall not name. This being is the epitome of all that is wrong with your world. They are filled with anger that stems back from their childhood. They witnessed violence in the most atrocious ways, both as a child, and later as an adult. They grew to hate and not trust anybody. They grew to believe to 'do unto others, before they do unto you.' Their motto, not mine, but which seems to express the mentality of many beings upon your world. This is something that we of my people don't agree and have never understood.

What you fear, you destroy. You don't try to understand. This individual showed that there are many of you that need to control others, in order to feel that you are in control of your own life. Those you can't control-you try to destroy, as they stand between whatever obstacle you are facing, or so you believe. When in fact, the only person causing the obstacles is the person filled with the anger, hatred and bitterness and trying to lay blame at another's door.

You are such complex creatures of habit. This individual epitomised those of you, who attack another based on race,religion, sex or ability. This person's hatred fills them up so much that they can't recognise the hand of friendship, instead sees hands of betrayal. 

As I said, this one person sums up and shows how you allow yourselves to fester in anger, hatred and loathing for one another through petty jealousies, and for control over those of your own kind.

Humanity could be among the stars and evolved much further, if they could learn to share and be kind to one another. If all those negative energies were focused and aimed at renewing relations with those of your world-then you could then be able to extend a hand to others.

While there are those of you, who persist to live with the characteristics, were to be able to explore other worlds-they would be exploited through greed, and your fear of the unknown would turn bitter. 

If each person was to look within themselves, they would see the many facets to your characters, with many flaws. You are quick to point out the faults in others, before you look at the faults within yourself.

love, light and peace

21 October 2008

A World of Shame and Illusion

As an observer to your world,we have monitored your world for generations.
Your transmissions are received by our ships that orbit over your cities and planet.
We are confused by your 'gods', whom you call celebrities. No matter your opinion of them,
you always seem willing to give them support. 

In your world of commerce, it seems your 'gods' are much more valuable to you then 
brothers and sisters, who are without even a morsel of bread to stave off hunger.
We see your world, as a world of Shame and Illusion. The shame comes in seeing that
you would allow the suffering of another soul, while worshipping a soul, no greater, or
lesser than yourself. The soul you worship is an illusion, but the shame still goes on.

To us, it is shameful to allow another one of us to suffer needlessly. On our world, as 
you know we don't have commerce. Nothing is ever bought, or sold, and each life is

On our world nobody is marked, or has to show some sign in order to receive what is
rightfully their own. Nobody takes more than they need, as each receives in equal 
measure. We didn't know the word, 'greed', until we saw your blue light emanating in
the heavens.

How can you pay homage to your 'gods', while another soul is condemned to suffer?

We don't worship one another, as you do. Nor do, we sit and watch another suffer.
You don't realize what a conundrum that your world is to those of us, who observe you.

We would like you to be able to visit your other brothers and sisters throughout the
universe, you must learn to take care of your own. How can you begin to understand
the needs of your brothers and sisters, amongst the stars, when you can't even take
care of your own!

love, light and peace

12 May 2008


It was some 40 years ago, when I was given the assignment to come to Earth, to intergrate, and to learn about the human race from birth to adulthood. Where we come from, we are aware of soul migration, so death is something we do not fear. We know our souls remain the same from planet to planet and life to life.

I chose to come on this mission, as it would allow me to see the human race from the grass roots up. I knew that would mean going through the pain of growing up in a human body to learn all the pain and pleasure of being human. However, I wasn't prepared for the plethora of emotions that I would encounter. Our observations of the wars on this planet confused us, as amongst the violence there were echoes of peace. How could a race show so much hate, yet have such a potential for love for one another in a crisis.

We were particularly interested in why humans would discriminate against one of their own race,only because, their skin was of a darker, or lighter colour. The human race was perplexing, yet inspiring, as we had observed from generation to generation.

You are probably wondering who I am, so I will tell you. I could be your friend, brother, sister, mother, father, suffering from famine and hunger, your next door neighbour,a homeless person on the street. In other words, you may see me, but not know who I really am. I look like you, experience pain and emotion like you, but what sets me apart from you is my anger doesn't turn to hatred, nor am I violent. Apart from that, you wouldn't know that I am an observer from another world.

I could be the person whom you are sitting next to on the train, plane, or bus. In other words, I could be anybody of the six billion people that reside on this planet that you call Earth. I could be of any race, religion, or country.

We couldn't understand your need to shed blood of another of your own kind. It made no sense to us. What we found bizarre is that you were finding and inventing new ways to kill one another in acts of war with weapons that were evolving to kill a large number of people, including the innocent victims that you classed as expendable.

We value life, and we don't procreate, except every 32 years, or when needed. All our children are loved and wanted. Where you procreate without considering the life of the one who has come out of the bonding. The child becomes unloved and unwanted. I digress here, as not all Earth children are so unfortunate, although many are through lack of consideration that their activity of sexual promiscuity could come at the cost of a child, whose soul is of importance.

As you see, my culture in my world, is vastly different from your own. Hence, we decided learn up close and personal what makes you the race that you are, and if your race is a threat to those of us, to whom you share the universe, should you manage to escape your planet and travel through time and space, as we do. You want to conquer and rule all that you survey without consequence, as did your ancestors. Many of you live to conquer and not strive for peace.

When I was chosen for this mission to observe from the ground up, I knew that my life would alter, but my memories would be intact. Relationships weren't so complex on my world, as they are here on Earth. Our relationships were of mutual respect without dominating another. We had never encountered slavery,until we decided to observe Earth.

Mankind has enslaved their fellow men/women from the beginning of time. Slavery still rears it's ugly head in forgotten places on Earth. The biggest and most starteling observation is your willingness to be enslaved to currency.

Ever since Ceasar, it seems that the people are enslaved to money and goods. Fair enough, since I have been on this Earth, I have had to live with the slavery that engulfs this world. I don't like it, and have learned to make it work for me, so it's power to enslave me is restricted.

This is just one paradigm that I have found while living here in this present state. This world is a world of commerce, and everybody seems to want to be better than somebody else. Governments want to control the populace and even use the markets to dictate to people how to spend their money.

People of Earth don't see that the stock markets are a system of control to make sure the elite of this planet are secure in their homes. If the stocks are down, people buy more, if they are up, people buy less, at least, I think that is how it works. The terms, 'inflation' and 'recession' seem to be words that are like tools in people's minds to tell them how to spend, or save. Then the governments increase the taxes to cover the short-fall which they manipulated in the first place.

On my world, commerce didn't exist. We shared a common goal. Our technology was restricted to geodisec domes, where those of us, who chose to, would create the technology to travel through space and time. Our industry was on dead planetoids, and didn't carry the pollution that yours carries into the atmosphere. Our planets, indigenious life forms on the surface were protected from our technology, all though our technology was of little risk to the planet. We were self-maintained and self-governing. However, we had respect for one another and for all life both on our planet and through out the universe.

Unlike you, we had two-suns, which gave the sky a lovely cerise hue. Our planet wasn't as hot, as you would think living in a binary system. It may have been the distance of our planet from the two suns, which our planet would encircle in a figure-eight style. One of our years is quite long, compared to yours, as our planet had to orbit around two suns, and we didn't have nightfall. It would only get like dusk, but no real darkness.

That is another observation of your world, as you are not in a binary system, although Jupiter has the potential to be a second sun, but failed to ignite, you are clothed in darkness.

Their are people in your world, who cry out for a simple piece of bread to stave off their hunger. We feel the governments are responsible for the many, who are homeless and hungry in this world putting profits, before people. Everything in your world comes at a price, and the biggest price of all is human suffering.

In the following chapters, I will make a more detailed observations, and they will be read like a journal. As I said, you do not know me, but I know you.