31 December 2008

The Evil That Men Do (mankind to his/her own kind)

I have come to observe over several years that from the smallest in rank (the common people) to the elite; there seems to be a common thread. Your wars no matter how big, or small, and not just the ones you wage with weapons-the ones that you wage between yourselves.

I have observed people on all levels of human society using the hatred and bitterness built up inside of them to cause distress and harm to your fellow inhabitants. There are those on all levels, who seemed filled with anger, vengeance and all matter of loathing that they will lower themselves to attack another, who has not compromised them in any way.

I know of one such human, whom I shall not name. This being is the epitome of all that is wrong with your world. They are filled with anger that stems back from their childhood. They witnessed violence in the most atrocious ways, both as a child, and later as an adult. They grew to hate and not trust anybody. They grew to believe to 'do unto others, before they do unto you.' Their motto, not mine, but which seems to express the mentality of many beings upon your world. This is something that we of my people don't agree and have never understood.

What you fear, you destroy. You don't try to understand. This individual showed that there are many of you that need to control others, in order to feel that you are in control of your own life. Those you can't control-you try to destroy, as they stand between whatever obstacle you are facing, or so you believe. When in fact, the only person causing the obstacles is the person filled with the anger, hatred and bitterness and trying to lay blame at another's door.

You are such complex creatures of habit. This individual epitomised those of you, who attack another based on race,religion, sex or ability. This person's hatred fills them up so much that they can't recognise the hand of friendship, instead sees hands of betrayal. 

As I said, this one person sums up and shows how you allow yourselves to fester in anger, hatred and loathing for one another through petty jealousies, and for control over those of your own kind.

Humanity could be among the stars and evolved much further, if they could learn to share and be kind to one another. If all those negative energies were focused and aimed at renewing relations with those of your world-then you could then be able to extend a hand to others.

While there are those of you, who persist to live with the characteristics, were to be able to explore other worlds-they would be exploited through greed, and your fear of the unknown would turn bitter. 

If each person was to look within themselves, they would see the many facets to your characters, with many flaws. You are quick to point out the faults in others, before you look at the faults within yourself.

love, light and peace