16 February 2009

What You Will Do To One Another

If you can do this to one another, what will you do to those of us, who live outside your world.? Your governments protest on one hand against such atrocities, yet they do the same. There is no mutual respect for life.

This is the horror on a greater scale, but in other manifestations this is occuring the world over. Man's inhumanity to man is what is preventing is what is preventing you from reaching the stars. 

This is just one such example, but your news if filled with all sorts of other atrocities. For many of you, life is cheap. You threaten and hate one another without cause, and you are quick to judge one another, especially those you don't understand. 

Living a human existance, I am too well aware that life on Earth is far from perfect. We are aware that there are some of you that are doing your best to live amongst the horror by getting along with your fellow man/womankind.

Your world is so corrupt and the few of you that want a better way are doing your best to do so, even when the odds are against you.

Those of you, who are traeachorous, dieceitful, controlling and full of hate and anger, your world is coming to an end. 

Who am I to say these things? I walk among you, and see what you see, experience what you experience and am aware of all that is around me. 

Be aware of your surroundings and those around you. Don't repay hate with hate, or violence with violence. 

We are aware of the Lord where I come from, and He is known on many worlds. The two commandments that you were taught are universal.

Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbour as yourself.

This means everybody, for one life affects many, and we are neighbours on Earth and in the universe(s)

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